Recognize symptoms of overtiredness and stress

In an increasingly fast-moving world, overtiredness and stress often overlooked. Yet these problems can have a major impact on your health, relationships and performance. By recognizing the symptoms early, you can take action before the situation worsens. In this article, we discuss the signs of overtiredness and stress, and what you can do about them. More info...

Symptoms of overtiredness and stress

What is overtiredness?

Fatigue is a state of extreme physical and mental exhaustion that results from prolonged exertion without adequate recovery. It is often caused by a combination of work pressure, personal obligations and insufficient sleep.

Common symptoms:

  1. Physical complaints:

    • Constant fatigue, even after adequate sleep.
    • Muscle pain or tension, especially in the neck, back and shoulders.
    • Headache or a heavy feeling in the head.
  2. Mental complaints:

    • Concentration problems and forgetfulness.
    • Indecision or difficulty keeping track.
    • A sense of mental "fog.
  3. Emotional symptoms:

    • Irritability or mood swings.
    • Feelings of hopelessness or dejection.
    • Quick crying or a feeling of helplessness.

What is stress?

Stress is a natural response of the body to a challenging or threatening situation. Short-term stress can be motivating, but chronic stress can lead to serious health problems.

Common symptoms of stress:

  1. Physical signals:

    • Palpitations, sweating or tremors.
    • Tension in muscles and jaw.
    • Reduced resistance and being sick more often.
  2. Psychological signals:

    • Feelings of anxiety or panic.
    • Poor sleep quality, such as difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through.
    • Excessive brooding thoughts or grinding.
  3. Behavioral changes:

    • Isolation from social contacts.
    • Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as excessive eating, drinking or smoking.
    • Problems at work or in relationships due to overreactions or reduced performance.

How do you recognize the difference between overtiredness and stress?

Although overtiredness and stress often occur together, there are differences:

  • Overtired is mainly about physical and mental exhaustion due to lack of rest.
  • Stress stems from a feeling of pressure and tension, often without clear moments of rest.

Both can reinforce each other. For example, chronic stress can lead to overtiredness, while overtiredness increases stress sensitivity.

What can you do about overtiredness and stress?

1. Create a healthy routine

  • Establish a regular sleep rhythm with 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day, especially during long hours of work.

2. Exercise regularly

  • Physical activity, such as walking, yoga or cycling, can reduce stress and improve your energy.

3. Improve your nutrition

  • Eat nutritious meals with plenty of vegetables, fruits, fiber and protein.
  • Avoid caffeine and sugars in the late hours to improve your sleep quality.

4. Find relaxation

  • Meditation, mindfulness and breathing exercises help to calm your mind.
  • Consider a massage chair from MediRelaxa To relax your body and relieve tension in muscles.

5. Set boundaries

  • Learn to say no to overload at work and in your personal life.
  • Consciously schedule time for yourself and activities that energize you.

Role of MediRelaxa massage chairs

Relaxation is crucial in combating overtiredness and stress. MediRelaxa massage chairs offer an effective way to release tension and allow your body to recover. The benefits are:

  • Relief of muscle tension: Reduces pain and stiffness in neck, back and shoulders.
  • Promotion of deep relaxation: Helps calm your mind and reduce stress.
  • Improved blood flow: Stimulates the recovery of tired muscles.

With a massage chair, you can enjoy a moment of rest at home or in the office, which is essential during busy periods.

Top 3 Best Massage Chairs



  • 3D Massage
  • Suitable up to 1.85m
  • Size: 104 x 70 cm




  • Foot massage
  • Infrared heat
  • Size: 150 x 75 cm




  • 4D+2D Massage
  • Health Check
  • Size: 177 x 86 cm


View all massage chairs

About MediRelaxa

MediRelaxa fixes your back pain and mobility while you experience ultimate relaxation at your home or office.
We are based in Westerlo, Belgium and deliver our massage chairs throughout Europe.


Interested in our massage chairs or a general question? Give me a call and we'll help you out.

Giovanni Vaes
Managing Director

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